Olga Grigorieva
"Coaching is a partnership-based collaboration to unlock your potential and increase efficienc"

Coaching on leadership and development of managerial

for Leaders of teams
to recognize Who you are
Who you want to be
What you want to be like
to take responsibility for your future
to recognize Where you are now
regarding your desires and goals
and Where you want to Be
to understand How You make choices and decisions
what patterns underlie these decisions
to build a clear strategy
to achieve goals
to develop new management styles and new behaviors
to get confidence and motivation to act
to achieve harmony with yourself, teams and the environment

Your results of collaborative work:

Let's get acquainted

I'm a practicing coach. I conduct private practice in offline and online format
I work according to ICF Credentials and Standards and in compliance with the ICF Code of Ethics
I am Olga Grigorieva (Sedakova)
In this video, I talk about my professional journey as a change agent, what kind of leaders I work with as a coach, what enquiries they come to me with, and what results can be expected in coaching
"Coaching is my contribution to transformation of leaders and their teams"
Interview with
Olga Grigorieva
Conducting Kick-offs, PI Planning, Retrospectives, strategic sessions

Trainings, master classes, webinars on Agile, facilitation, project management. Training participants - Scrum Master, IT leader, Project Manager from VTB, AvtoVAZ, Aviaagregat, etc.
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Executive Coaching – 4 years (1000+ hours of practice)
Heads of VTB, Gazprombank, JTI, etc.

Agile – 7 years
Agile coach VTB in streams of 10+ teams
Scrum Master at Luxoft Professional, IC ATON and Diasoft LLC
Managerial consulting
Projects of management consulting and organizational changes for 9 subsidiaries and affiliates of the Gazpromneft holding

Team coaching (100 hours of practice)
Teams of JTI, VTB, Gazprombank
Project management - 15 years
Projects for the development and implementation of banking software:
in banks: VTB, Raiffeisenbank, Otkritie, Deutsche Bank, UBRD, NBRD, Rosbank
in holdings: Gazpromneft, Sibir Energy, UMC, MORP

Team coaching
Team Coach Certification Course - David Clutterbuck Program (3 modules, CCE, EMCC TCQA)

Design Thinking
P1 - Corporate Practitioner P1 D.Standards

Project management
PMP PMI – Project Management Professional PMI
Coaching Team Leaders and Managers
PCС ICF - Professional Certified Coach
Sleights of Mouth, Robert Dilts
Practitioner of NLP, Center of NLP by Pligin A.
The main formats for systemic organizational development by SySt, Insa Sparrer and Matthias Varga von Kibéd SySt Institut


SPC SAFe - Certified SAFe Program Consultant
PSM II - Professional Scrum Master Advanced Scrum.org
Management 3.0AgileLab
DAO - Designing Agile Organisations, Ilia Pavlichenko, Cesario Ramos


ICP-ATF - Agile Team Facilitator ICAgile
Methods of facilitating organizational changes and corporate sessions - "Master of Facilitation" Imper Group
Facilitation practice. Working with difficult situations and resistance - "Master of Facilitation" Imper Group

Change management
PROSCI Change Management
To be in a safe space to discover yourself - your true desires and interests
To formulate a vision, goals for development, build an implementation strategy and develop an action plan
To assemble the separate parts into a single whole
To recognize your limiting beliefs, bias and related emotions
To be able to rely on yourself, on your strengths
To find inner resources

The value of coaching for you:

How are we going to work?

Are you eager to understand if the coaching format of work is suitable for you?

We are working with you in a long-term contract - from 5 sessions to the result
To track progress from session to session you can refer to the Diary
Everything is like in a real project - goals, criteria of success, responsibility areas, budget and frequency of meetings
Coaching of a Leader on management styles
To understand what kind of a Leader you are
To gain confidence
To find your management style
To change habitual behaviors and reactions to appropriate and considerate ones for you and your teams
For those who want:
Coaching of a Leader on management styles
To understand what kind of a Leader you are
To gain confidence
To find your management style
To change habitual behaviors and reactions to appropriate and considerate ones for you and your teams
Coaching of a Leader on development goals
To understand what you want
To set goals for development
To rely on yourself
To get to action
For those who want:
Coaching of a Leader on development goals
To understand what you want
To set goals for development
To rely on yourself
To get to action
Coaching on effective team management
To unite a team on values basis
To regain energy and resourceful state for yourself and the team
To develop an action plan to improve team self-organization
For those who want:
Coaching on effective team management
To unite a team on values basis
To regain energy and resourceful state for yourself and the team
To develop an action plan to improve team self-organization

Learn more about the coaching session

to increase consciousness while choosing the appropriate and effective management style
to explore leadership, influence, authority, responsibility area of the Leader of a team
to work with current and target behaviors, beliefs, emotions
to develop the skills required to the Leader for the productivity of teams
What kind of enquiries we can work with:
to position yourself as a Leader of a team
to determine personality strengths
to set development goals, criteria of success and strategies to achieve them
to increase consciousness, understanding what you want and setting your own, not someone else's goals
to find for resources, self-reliance and energy to implement defined plans
to increase motivation
What kind of enquiries we can work with:
to build teamwork and to resolve conflicts effectively
to develop mature teams, responsibility, self-organization
to create team values, team spirit, increase motivation of team members
What kind of enquiries we can work with:

Cooperation scheme for 5 coaching sessions

Kick-off meeting
Getting to know each other, checking the request for the opportunity to work in a coaching format, responsibility areas of the coach and coachee, terms of work, a decision to start
1 Contract session
Your goals and desired results for the entire contract, shaping the desired future, the gap study between what you want and what you have, analyzing available resources, the plan of sessions
2-4 Contract work
Session goals, researching your needs, connection with your values, actual and desired behavior, limiting beliefs, emotions, fears, building an action plan and commitment to decisions
5 Final session
Summarizing the results of working with the coach, self-discoveries, insights, ways of learning, methods of consolidating new beliefs and behaviors for the future

Are you going to start working now? Book kick-off session!


Feedback from customers on the results of work

Contact information

Olga Grigorieva
Coach for Leaders
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